1.How did the state benefit from encouraging population growth after the American Revolution?

A.It could earn independence from the us
B.It could have more representatives in the Congress
C.It received more land from the us government
D.It provided a stronger military defense against native american attacks

Which state?

What do you think is correct?



Please help!!

1.How did the state benefit from encouraging population growth after the American Revolution?

A.It could earn independence from the us
B.It could have more representatives in the Congress
C.It received more land from the us government
D.It provided a stronger military defense against native american attacks

Please help!!

1.How did the state benefit from encouraging population growth after the American Revolution?

A.It could earn independence from the us
B.It could have more representatives in the Congress
C.It received more land from the us government
D.It provided a stronger military defense against native american attacks

The correct answer is B. The state benefitted from encouraging population growth after the American Revolution because it could have more representatives in Congress.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the context of the question. After the American Revolution, the United States was in the process of forming a new government and establishing its political structure. One of the key components of this structure was the representation of states in the federal government. Each state would have a certain number of representatives in Congress, which would be determined based on their population.

By encouraging population growth, states could increase their representation in Congress. This was advantageous because it would give them a greater voice in shaping policies and making decisions at the national level. It would also enhance their ability to promote and protect their interests. Therefore, the state could benefit from encouraging population growth after the American Revolution by having more representatives in Congress.

Please let me know if you need any further clarification.