What is the name of the compound Cl2O7? (1 point)

chloride oxide
chloride oxygen
dichlorine heptaoxide****
dichloride heptaoxygen

That works :)

By the way you can always just copy the formula like Cl2O7 into a search engine.

The correct name for the compound Cl2O7 is dichlorine heptaoxide. To determine the name of this compound, you need to use the rules for naming binary covalent compounds.

The first element in the compound is chlorine, which is a nonmetal. When it forms a compound with another nonmetal, it does not change its name. Therefore, the first part of the compound name is "chlorine."

The second element in the compound is oxygen. Since it is also a nonmetal, it does not change its name. However, when the compound contains multiple oxygen atoms, we use the prefix "per-" to indicate the highest possible oxidation state of oxygen. In this case, we have 7 oxygen atoms, so the second part of the compound name is "heptaoxide."

Putting it together, we have "dichlorine heptaoxide" as the correct name for the compound Cl2O7.