Suzanne was baking treats for her bakery's grand opening. She made 4 cakes with 8 cups of flour. She baked 2 pies and 3 dozen cookies. Of the following ratios, which one does not illustrate a comparison from the items created in Suzanne's bakery?

A. 1:9




I'd have to go with A, though the question is very vague.

1:18 = 2:36 (pies:cookies)
2:1 = 8:4 (flour:cakes)
2:4 = 4:8 (cakes:flour)

To determine which ratio does not represent a comparison from the items created in Suzanne's bakery, we need to look at the quantities of each item made.

Suzanne made:
- 4 cakes with 8 cups of flour
- 2 pies
- 3 dozen cookies

Let's analyze each option:

A. 1:9
This ratio shows a comparison of two quantities, with the first quantity being 1. It does not directly relate to any of the items made in Suzanne's bakery.

B. 1:18
This ratio also shows a comparison of two quantities, with the first quantity being 1. Like option A, it does not directly relate to any of the items made.

C. 2:1
This ratio compares two quantities, with the first quantity being 2. Suzanne made 2 pies, so this ratio represents the comparison between the number of pies made and another quantity (such as cakes, cookies, or flour).

D. 2:4
This ratio also compares two quantities, with the first quantity being 2. Suzanne made 4 cakes, so this ratio represents the comparison between the number of cakes made and another quantity (such as pies, cookies, or flour).

Based on the above analysis, the ratio that does not illustrate a comparison from the items created in Suzanne's bakery is option A, 1:9.