Madeline drew a grid of 5 cells in a row.

4.88 4.86 4.84 4.82
Explain how you can use structure to find the missing decimal.
Incorrect answer A.
Moving left to right, the whole number stays the same and the tenths decrease by 2.

Incorrect answer B.
Moving left to right, the whole number stays the same and the hundredths decrease by 1.

Incorrect answer C.
Moving left to right, the whole number stays the same, the tenths decrease by 1, and the hundredths decrease by 2.

Correct answer D.
Moving left to right, the whole number stays the same, the tenths stay the same, and the hundredths decrease by 2.

What is this? Are you trying to tell other students taking this test what's correct and what's not?


Writeacher atleast he’s helping other people that are confused 😐

You’re late daddy

To find the missing decimal in the grid, we can use the given information about the structure of the grid. In this case, Madeline drew a grid of 5 cells in a row, and the given decimals are 4.88, 4.86, 4.84, and 4.82.

To determine the pattern of the decimals, we can observe how the numbers change as we move from left to right.

Looking at the whole numbers, we see that they stay the same throughout the grid. So, we know that the whole number is 4.

Next, let's examine the tenths place. As we move from left to right, we can see that the tenths also stay the same - they are all 8. Therefore, the missing decimal will have a tenths value of 8.

Lastly, we look at the hundredths place. By comparing the given decimals, we can observe that as we move from left to right, the hundredths decrease by 2 each time. Therefore, the missing decimal will have a hundredths value that is 2 less than the previous decimal, which is 4.82. Subtracting 2 from 82 gives us 80. So, the missing decimal will have a hundredths value of 80.

Putting it all together, we can conclude that the missing decimal in the grid is 4.88.