
Which of the following causes subsistence farmers to increase labor-intensive practices like weeding, applying manure, and crop rotation?

the need to compete with commercial farmers

the human drive to improve any process

decreasing costs of materials and equipment

the decreasing fertility of agricultural land

the pressure to feed a growing population

Why was the new breed of wheat, widely grown starting in the 1960s, called “miracle wheat seed”?

It was discovered by a lucky or miraculous accident.

It was the result of cutting-edge gene-splicing technology.

It produced a higher yield that would address food supply concerns.

It produced equally well without the use of fertilizers.

It was discovered that this type of wheat could grow with little or no water.

Which crisis did the Green Revolution avert?

the population explosion

climate change

worldwide famine

global soil depletion

severe unemployment

Which of the following is an important negative consequence of the Green Revolution?

Increased need for fertilizers created economic barriers and environmental problems.

Food surpluses led to the collapse of global food markets.

Increased farming success caused farmers and nations to convert more land to agricultural use.

Fertilizer production put a strain on Earth’s limited supply of nitrogen.

Increased yields led to a global shortage of farm laborers.

I believe the answers are B, D, C, E.

No it’s E C C A

same thing for this we should do this for every lesson post it here please

I can confirm, it is in fact E C C A

its ecca no cap

100% correct its ECCA



1. The pressure to feed a growing population

2. It produced a higher yield than would address food supply concerns.
3. Worldwide Famine
4. Increased need for fertilizers created economic barriers and environmental problems.

To determine the correct answers, let's go through each question one by one and analyze the options.

1) Which of the following causes subsistence farmers to increase labor-intensive practices like weeding, applying manure, and crop rotation?

To find the answer, we need to understand why subsistence farmers would increase labor-intensive practices. Let's evaluate each option:

A. the need to compete with commercial farmers - This could be a reason, as subsistence farmers may need to increase their labor-intensive practices in order to compete with more efficient commercial farmers who use modern techniques.

B. the human drive to improve any process - This option is not directly related to subsistence farmers increasing labor-intensive practices. While it's true that humans generally have a drive to improve processes, this option doesn't specifically explain the increase in labor-intensive practices for subsistence farmers.

C. decreasing costs of materials and equipment - This option suggests that decreasing costs of materials and equipment would cause subsistence farmers to decrease labor-intensive practices, rather than increase them.

D. the decreasing fertility of agricultural land - This option seems plausible, as the decreasing fertility of agricultural land could lead subsistence farmers to increase labor-intensive practices to compensate for the decline in soil quality.

E. the pressure to feed a growing population - This option is also likely to be correct, as the pressure to feed a growing population would require subsistence farmers to maximize their productivity through labor-intensive practices.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is likely a combination of options D and E. Therefore, the correct answer is D. the decreasing fertility of agricultural land and E. the pressure to feed a growing population.

2) Why was the new breed of wheat, widely grown starting in the 1960s, called “miracle wheat seed”?

To determine the correct answer, let's evaluate each option:

A. It was discovered by a lucky or miraculous accident - This option suggests that the new breed of wheat was discovered by chance, which may not be accurate since modern crop breeding techniques were used.

B. It was the result of cutting-edge gene-splicing technology - This option is not accurate because gene-splicing technology was not a significant method used to develop the new breed of wheat.

C. It produced a higher yield that would address food supply concerns - This option is likely to be correct, as the term "miracle wheat seed" suggests that it had a high yield, which helped address concerns about food supply.

D. It produced equally well without the use of fertilizers - This option is not accurate because the new breed of wheat still required fertilizers, albeit potentially less than previous varieties.

E. It was discovered that this type of wheat could grow with little or no water - This option does not align with the term "miracle wheat seed" as it refers to the ability to grow with little or no water, rather than its yield.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is C. It produced a higher yield that would address food supply concerns.

3) Which crisis did the Green Revolution avert?

To determine the correct answer, let's evaluate each option:

A. the population explosion - This option suggests that the Green Revolution helped prevent the adverse effects of a population explosion through increased agricultural productivity.

B. climate change - While the Green Revolution may have indirectly contributed to mitigating climate change by increasing agricultural productivity and reducing deforestation for cultivation, it was not primarily focused on averting climate change.

C. worldwide famine - This option is likely to be correct, as the Green Revolution aimed to increase agricultural productivity to address concerns about global food shortages and potential famines.

D. global soil depletion - Although the Green Revolution focused on increasing agricultural productivity, it did not primarily aim to avert global soil depletion.

E. severe unemployment - The Green Revolution was not primarily focused on resolving severe unemployment.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is C. worldwide famine.

4) Which of the following is an important negative consequence of the Green Revolution?

To determine the correct answer, let's evaluate each option:

A. Increased need for fertilizers created economic barriers and environmental problems - This option is likely to be correct, as the increased need for fertilizers created economic challenges and had potential negative environmental impacts.

B. Food surpluses led to the collapse of global food markets - This option is not accurate because food surpluses generally do not lead to the collapse of global food markets; rather, they can help stabilize food prices and alleviate food shortages.

C. Increased farming success caused farmers and nations to convert more land to agricultural use - This option is accurate, as the increased success of farming due to the Green Revolution led to the expansion of agricultural lands, which could have negative consequences such as deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and land degradation.

D. Fertilizer production put a strain on Earth’s limited supply of nitrogen - This option suggests that the production of fertilizers strained the limited supply of nitrogen, which is mostly accurate as the Green Revolution significantly increased fertilizer usage.

E. Increased yields led to a global shortage of farm laborers - This option is not accurate as increased yields do not lead to a significant shortage of farm laborers; instead, it may result in changes in the labor market and employment patterns.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is a combination of options A and C. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Increased need for fertilizers created economic barriers and environmental problems and C. Increased farming success caused farmers and nations to convert more land to agricultural use.

Therefore, the correct answers to the questions are:

1) D. the decreasing fertility of agricultural land and E. the pressure to feed a growing population.
2) C. It produced a higher yield that would address food supply concerns.
3) C. worldwide famine.
4) A. Increased need for fertilizers created economic barriers and environmental problems and C. Increased farming success caused farmers and nations to convert more land to agricultural use.