What aspects of New Mexican history do its state flag’s color scheme and use of the Zia sun symbol represent? Select the two correct answers.

the state’s British heritage

the state’s French heritage

the state’s Spanish heritage

the state’s North American heritage

the state’s Native American heritage

Please read and reread your text or whatever you were given to study from, and then let us know what you learn.

The answers are:

C & E

The awnsers to the entire test are

And for the multiple choice it is
C and E

Mattie's right :]

Yeah just...listen to that...... :)

To determine which aspects of New Mexican history the state flag's color scheme and use of the Zia sun symbol represent, we can analyze the symbolism behind these elements.

The New Mexico state flag features a red sun symbol known as the Zia sun symbol on a yellow background. The Zia sun symbol holds cultural and historical significance for the state's Native American heritage, specifically the Zia Pueblo tribe.

The Zia sun symbol represents several important concepts in Zia Pueblo culture, including the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west), the four seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter), the four stages of life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age), and the four sacred obligations (the development of a strong body, a clear mind, a pure spirit, and a devotion to the welfare of others).

Therefore, the two correct answers are:

E. The state's Native American heritage
C. The state's Spanish heritage