Due to its ability to camouflage itself from predators, the White Peppered Moth of England was once much more abundant than the Black Peppered Moth. As the Industrial Revolution hit, factories began to release black soot which coated everything, including tree bark. Because the moths’ habitat was now darker, the white moth became much more susceptible to predators. At the same time, the Black Peppered Moth was now more protected and began to increase in number.

This story is an example of
natural selection.
endangered species.

i think its b but im not sure

I believe its A

A is correct.


The story described is an example of natural selection.

Natural selection is a process whereby certain traits become more or less common in a population over time due to their effect on survival and reproduction. In the given story, the change in the environment due to the Industrial Revolution caused a shift in the abundance of the White Peppered Moth and the Black Peppered Moth. The moths that were better adapted to the new environment, specifically the Black Peppered Moth with its dark color, had a higher chance of survival and reproduction. As a result, the population of the Black Peppered Moth increased, while the population of the White Peppered Moth decreased. This shift in moth populations is a clear demonstration of natural selection taking place.