1.Under which circumstances might a u.s President send federal soldiers to enforce order in a state

A. If a state needed help in collecting income tax.
B. If a state's elected governor committed a crime
C. If a states collected tolls on an interstate highway
D. If a state's police force could not keep peace

2. Which of these are obligations of the national government to the states select all that apply

A. Distribute educational opportunities
B. Enforce anti-drug laws
C. Ensure a decent standard of living
D. Guarantee a republican from of government
E. Protect the state from invasion

3.When states gave up some of their power to the federal government which of the following did they receive in return

A. A guarantee to fully integrate the public schools
B. Power to negotiate with foreign countries as individual states
C. Protection from the federal government
D. The authority to determine federal responsibilities

You try first. We can check later. Pick the answers that make sense.

( I am imagining the marines helping to collect the local sales tax)

OK i think the answers are 1.D 2.B & E 3.C

I agree.

1 D

2 D&E
3 C
your welcome.

1. The correct answer is D. If a state's police force could not keep peace.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the circumstances in which a US President can send federal soldiers to enforce order in a state. This concept is governed by the Constitution and specifically outlined in the Insurrection Act.

Under the Insurrection Act, a US President can deploy federal troops to a state only under certain circumstances. The most relevant circumstance in this case is when a state's own police force is unable to maintain peace and order. This typically occurs during situations such as riots, civil unrest, or large-scale protests that the state's law enforcement agencies cannot effectively handle on their own.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer because it corresponds to the situation where a state's police force cannot keep the peace, and the President may decide to send federal soldiers to restore order and protect the public.

2. The correct answers are B. Enforce anti-drug laws and E. Protect the state from invasion.

To determine the correct answers, you need to understand the obligations of the national government to the states. These obligations are outlined in the Constitution and different laws.

Among the obligations of the national government to the states, two options are correct - B. Enforce anti-drug laws and E. Protect the state from invasion.

Enforcing anti-drug laws is one of the obligations of the national government to ensure the safety and security of the states. The federal government plays a significant role in the prevention, enforcement, and prosecution of drug-related offenses.

Protecting the state from invasion is another obligation of the national government. The federal government is responsible for maintaining the defense and security of the country as a whole, including protecting the states from external threats or military invasion.

Therefore, options B and E are the correct answers.

3. The correct answer is C. Protection from the federal government.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the concept of federalism and the balance of power between the federal government and the states.

When states gave up some of their power to the federal government, they did so through the process of federalism, which established a division of powers. In return for giving up certain powers to the federal government, states received protection from the federal government.

This protection ensures that the federal government cannot overstep its bounds and infringe upon the rights and autonomy of the states. It acts as a safeguard against the concentration of power in the federal government and maintains a balance between national and state authority.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer as it aligns with the idea that states receive protection from the federal government when giving up some of their power.