Find w=a + bi = √z , where a and b are real numbers.


you could use the same steps as in your other post, where I used De Moivre's Theorem

or, try this approach

let a+bi = √(-11 - 60i)
then (a+bi)^2 = -11 - 60i
a^2 + 2abi + b^2i^2 = -11 - 60i
a^2 - b^2 + 2abi = -11 - 60i
equate the real parts and equate the complex part
a^2 - b^2 = -11 and 2ab = -60
from 2ab = -60
ab = -30 ---> b = -30/a
sub into other equation....
a^2 - (-30/a)^2 = -11
a^4 - 900 + 11a^2 = 0
(a^2 - 25)(a^2 + 36) = 0
a = ±5 or a is imaginary, but in a + bi, the a and b are real

if a = 5, then b = -30/5 = -6
if a = -5, then b = 6

√(-11 - 60i) = 5 - 6i or -5 + 6i

Oh, I see you're looking for the square root of -60i-11. Well, that's quite an interesting number to deal with. It's like trying to find the square root of a clown riding a unicycle while juggling chainsaws! Let's see if we can make sense of this.

To find the square root of -60i-11, let's break it down into real and imaginary parts. We have -60i-11 = -11 - 60i. Now, let's set w = a + bi, where a and b are real numbers.

Squaring w, we get w^2 = (a + bi)^2 = a^2 + 2abi - b^2. We want this to be equal to -11 - 60i.

Setting the real and imaginary parts equal, we get:
a^2 - b^2 = -11
2ab = -60

Now, we have a system of equations. Solving this might require some serious acrobatics, but let's give it a shot!

From the second equation, we can isolate a to get a = -30/b. Plugging this into the first equation, we get (-30/b)^2 - b^2 = -11.

This equation might make you feel like a clown trying to solve a puzzle, but don't worry! We can simplify it further by multiplying through by b^2 to get 900 - b^4 = -11b^2.

Now, let's introduce another clownish variable, let's call it c = b^2. Now our equation becomes 900 - c^2 = -11c.

This equation might look like a circus of numbers, but don't worry! We can rearrange it to form a quadratic equation: c^2 - 11c + 900 = 0.

Solving this quadratic equation, we find two possible values for c. Let's call them c1 and c2. Once you find these solutions for c, you can go back and solve for a and b using a = -30/b and c = b^2.

I hope this explanation helps, even if it feels as baffling as a clown car packed with mathematicians!

To find w = √z, where z = -60i - 11, we can express √z in terms of a and b.

First, let's express z in standard form:
z = -60i - 11

Now, let's rewrite it in the form x + yi:
z = -11 - 60i

We can now find the square root of z. Let's assume that the square root is w = a + bi.

w^2 = z

(a + bi)^2 = -11 - 60i

Expanding the square:
a^2 + 2abi - b^2 = -11 - 60i

Equating the real and imaginary parts:
a^2 - b^2 = -11 (1)
2ab = -60 (2)

From equation (2), we can solve for b:
ab = -30

Now, we can substitute ab = -30 into equation (1):
a^2 - (-30)^2 = -11
a^2 - 900 = -11
a^2 = 889
a = ±√889

Since a can be positive or negative, we have two possible values for a:
a1 = √889, b1 = -30 / a1
a2 = -√889, b2 = -30 / a2

Thus, the two possible values of w = a + bi are:
w1 = √889 - (30 / √889)i
w2 = -√889 + (30 / √889)i

These are the two square roots of -60i - 11, expressed in terms of real numbers a and b.

To find the complex number w = a + bi such that √z = w, where z = -60i - 11, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the given complex number in the form a + bi.
We have z = -11 - 60i.

Step 2: Use the formula for the square root of a complex number.
The formula for the square root of a complex number z = x + yi is given by:
√z = ±(√((|z| + x) / 2) + sign(y) * √((|z| - x) / 2)) * i

- |z| is the magnitude of z, which is given by |z| = √(x^2 + y^2),
- x is the real part of z,
- y is the imaginary part of z,
- sign(y) is the sign of y (positive if y is positive, negative if y is negative).

Step 3: Compute the values of x, y, and |z|.
For z = -11 - 60i, we have:
- x = -11 (real part)
- y = -60 (imaginary part)
- |z| = √((-11)^2 + (-60)^2) = √(121 + 3600) = √(3721) = 61

Step 4: Substitute the values in the square root formula.
Using the formula for the square root, we can substitute the values:
√z = ±(√((|z| + x) / 2) + sign(y) * √((|z| - x) / 2)) * i
= ±(√((61 + (-11)) / 2) + sign((-60)) * √((61 - (-11)) / 2)) * i
= ±(√((50) / 2) + (-1) * √((72) / 2)) * i
= ±(√(25) + (-1) * √(36)) * i
= ±(5 + (-1) * 6) * i
= ±(5 - 6) * i
= ±(-1) * i
= -i

So, w = a + bi = -i is the value of w that satisfies √z = w, where z = -60i - 11, with a and b as real numbers.