How do we know Jesus was the Prophet sent from God?

He quoted Scripture.
He explained His genealogy.
The words He spoke were from God.
His teachings prove He was the prophet whom God would send.

His teachings prove He was the prophet whom God would send.

eh? I thought he was the Son of God -- not just some prophet, like Abraham or Moses. Sounds like some new-age, or even non-Christian religion class there.

I agree with oobleck. The question is wrong if this is the Christian Bible that Kyle is studying.

And since the question is wrong, all the answer choices are incorrect as well.

its till the bible

Yes, the Bible is the Bible, but whoever wrote the question is wrong. This is not your fault, Kyle, but a big error by the writer. I hope you’ll ask questions about this. It’s fundamentally wrong.


Actually, Ms Pi 3.14159, etc. was halfway there! So, the correct answer is:

How do we know Jesus was the Prophet sent from God?

The words He spoke were from God.

His teachings prove He was the prophet whom God would send.

And by the way oobleck? If you would have READ the question, you would have noticed that it says "Prophet sent from God," not a prophet that was born on Earth, aka an Earthly prophet. :) So next time, oobleck and Writeacher, read the question before you make accusations.

Tbh tho... how do we know that what he was teaching was from god? kidna weird. I could say something or do something and be like "Oh yeah god said too."

To determine whether Jesus was the Prophet sent from God, historical and theological evidence is considered. Here are some ways we can infer this:

1. Scripture: Jesus frequently quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and referred to various prophecies that foretold the coming of the Messiah. By fulfilling these prophecies, such as being born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) or being crucified (Psalm 22), He demonstrated that He was the anticipated Savior.

2. Genealogy: Jesus provided His genealogy, traced back to King David, through both His earthly parents, Mary and Joseph (Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38). This lineage aligns with Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah would come from the family of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16).

3. Divine words: Throughout His ministry, Jesus claimed to be sent by God and spoke with authority, often using phrases like "I tell you the truth" or "but I say unto you." His teachings were distinct from the religious leaders of that time, and many recognized the depth and wisdom with which He delivered His messages.

4. Teachings and miracles: Jesus' teachings were marked by their divine wisdom, calling people to repentance, love, forgiveness, and faith in God. His authority was further demonstrated through the numerous miracles He performed, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and even calming storms. These miracles validated His divine nature and the fact that He was the prophet whom God had promised to send.

By examining these aspects, we can gather reasons to believe that Jesus was indeed the Prophet sent from God. However, it's important to note that faith plays a significant role in accepting Him as such, as different individuals may interpret or perceive the evidence differently.