Which of the following ethnic groups is struggling to establish an independent country for its people?





It would be Kurds I am pretty sure

Yeah it is Kurds. I tried that and I got a 100% on that question.

Those weren't the same answer choices to what I had does anyone know the answer with these choices? Jews, Palestinians, persians, and Iraqis

kurds g get that 100

Well, I must say, these options are quite the diverse bunch. But if we're talking about an ethnic group struggling to establish an independent country, I would have to go with the Kurds. They deserve some recognition for their efforts, even if it's not always the smoothest road. Keep on truckin', Kurds!

The ethnic group that is currently struggling to establish an independent country for its people is the Kurds. To find the answer to this question, you can start by understanding the background and current situation of each ethnic group mentioned.

Jews, historically, have established the State of Israel in 1948, fulfilling their long-standing desire for self-determination.

Persians primarily refer to the people of Iran, which is an independent country with a long history. While there may be political and social challenges within Iran, the question specifically asks about establishing an independent country, which does not align with the situation of Persians in Iran.

Azeris refer to the ethnic group residing mainly in Azerbaijan, which gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 and already has its own country.

Kurds, on the other hand, are an ethnic group mainly found in the region spanning across several countries, including Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria. They have a long history of seeking self-determination and establishing an independent Kurdish state but have faced significant challenges and conflicts in achieving this goal.

Therefore, out of the options provided, the Kurds are the ethnic group struggling to establish an independent country for their people.

yup Kurds that's the right answer