Provide the reflected ordered pair for each of the given ordered pairs.

a. Reflect the ordered pair (1,−7) across the x-axis
b. Reflect the ordered pair (0,4) across the y-axis

honestly not sure.

a) (4,5)

b) (0,-3)


We have to perform the following reflection over given ordered pair.

a) Reflect the ordered pair (-4,5) across the y-axis

Reflection over y-axis:

Thus, (-4,5) will be reflected over y-axis as

b) Reflect the ordered pair (0,3) across the y-axis

Reflection over x-axis:

Thus, (0,3) will be reflected over x-axis as

omg- thank youu <3

Np <3

I don't understand

I need heeellllpppp......

uhh i dont understand

same, its confusing. and quite frank downright disrespectful.

Hi umm i think this is incorrect i asked for 0 and -4 and its reflection on the y-axsis this is defanatly not what i aksed for :( frowny face ):

yeah i totally agree


I apologize for the confusion caused. Here are the correct answers:

a) The reflection of (1, -7) across the x-axis is (1, 7).

To reflect a point across the x-axis, we keep the x-coordinate the same and negate the y-coordinate.

b) The reflection of (0, 4) across the y-axis is (0, -4).

To reflect a point across the y-axis, we keep the y-coordinate the same and negate the x-coordinate.

I hope this helps!