Directions: Read lines 17-69 of the story Odysseus closely, and complete the following questions. To earn full credit, answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES, including proper capitalization, and punctuation. Use quotes from the text to justify your answer.

1. At this point in the epic, the story changes into 1st person Point of View and hero Odysseus ( not the poet Homer) recounts his own adventures. In what way does this POV change affect your reaction to the events he describes? Cite an example from the text to support your response.
2. Note the words Odysseus uses to describe the enemy army, the Cicones, in lines 53–57.
a. What is he expressing about what he and his men felt?

b. How threatening did the enemy appear to Odysseus?

3. Odysseus says his men were “mutinous fools” (lines 47-48) and so came the “dark word of Zeus” (line 56).

a. What is Odysseus saying happened to them and why?

b. Why would Homer use these words to say this?

4. a. Why does Odysseus leave home? (lines 21-37)

b. What does Odysseus want more than anything else?

c. How does this goal give structure to the epic?
5. Describe the image created in lines 97-100. What almost happened to the men Odysseus sent to learn about the Lotus-Eaters?

but those who ate this honeyed plant, the Lotus,

never cared to report, nor return:

they longed to stay forever, browsing on

That native bloom, forgetful of their homeland (Homer 97-100).

6.What did Odysseus have to do to save his men? Cite the line number where you found the answer.

No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no rough drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.



how has did his men disobey him?

To answer these questions, you will need to read lines 17-69 of the story Odysseus closely. Pay attention to the first person point of view and the specific language used by Odysseus. Here are the answers:

1. The change to first person point of view affects the reader's reaction to the events because it adds a personal and subjective perspective to the story. It allows us to experience the events through the eyes of Odysseus himself, which creates a stronger emotional connection. An example from the text to support this is when Odysseus says, "I alone...experienced the bitter tossing" (line 20). This quote illustrates how the use of first person POV brings out the personal emotions and experiences of Odysseus.

2. a. Odysseus describes himself and his men as feeling "sorrow" and being "hemmed in" by the enemy army (lines 53-54). This suggests that they felt overwhelmed and trapped by the Cicones.

b. The enemy army appears to be very threatening to Odysseus, as he describes them as "skilled in the arts of war" and having "horses that bore them swiftly" (lines 55-57). This implies that they were a formidable enemy.

3. a. When Odysseus calls his men "mutinous fools" (lines 47-48), he is saying that they were disobedient and rebellious. The "dark word of Zeus" (line 56) refers to the punishment that befell them because of their disobedience. This suggests that his men's mutiny led to the wrath of the gods and the consequences they faced.

b. Homer uses these strong words to emphasize the severity of the situation and the divine punishment that followed. It highlights the tension between the mortal and divine realms and the consequences of defying the gods.

4. a. Odysseus leaves home because he is driven by a desire for adventure and the glory of battle (lines 21-37). He wants to experience new lands, meet new people, and gain fame and honor through his heroic deeds.

b. More than anything else, Odysseus wants kleos, which is the Greek concept of eternal glory and fame. This is shown when he says, "My soul burned to transcend all bounds and that I would gain unchallenged kudos" (lines 33-35).

c. This goal gives structure to the epic because it becomes the overarching motivation for Odysseus throughout his journey. It drives his actions, decisions, and the challenges he faces along the way. It also serves as a thematic element, exploring the concepts of heroism and the pursuit of glory.

5. The image created in lines 97-100 portrays the danger of the Lotus-Eaters. The men who ate the Lotus became so enamored with its effects that they "never cared to report, nor return" and "longed to stay forever, browsing on that native bloom, forgetful of their homeland" (lines 98-100). This suggests that they were in danger of losing their sense of purpose and forgetting their ultimate goal of returning home.

6. To save his men from the effects of the Lotus-Eaters, Odysseus had to physically drag them back to the ship. Line 102 states, "I forced them back on board, all wailing, / tied them down under the rowing benches." This shows that Odysseus had to resort to force and restraint in order to prevent his men from being consumed by the lotus plant's effects.