The area of a square is Rsquared.Give an expression of Half of its perimeter in terms of R

A = R^2

P = 4R
P/2 = 2R

Can u pls do it in a more understandable way


Well, if the area of a square is Rsquared, that means the length of each side is simply R. So, the perimeter of the square would be 4R. And since we want half of the perimeter, we can just say 2R! But let's not cut corners here, I'm sure you wanted the answer in terms of R. So there you have it - half of the perimeter of a square with area Rsquared is 2R!

To find the expression for half of the perimeter of a square in terms of R, we first need to determine the formula for the area of a square.

The area of a square is given by the formula: A = side * side or A = s^2, where s represents the length of a side.

In this case, the area of the square is given as R^2. Therefore, we can equate R^2 to s^2:

R^2 = s^2

To find the length of one side of the square, we take the square root of both sides:

√(R^2) = √(s^2)

R = s

Now that we know that the length of one side of the square is R, we can find the expression for half of the perimeter.

The perimeter of a square is calculated by multiplying the length of one side by 4. Therefore, the perimeter (P) of the square can be expressed as:

P = 4 * s

Substituting the value of s with R, we get:

P = 4 * R

Finally, we need to find half of the perimeter, which means dividing the expression 4R by 2:

Half of the perimeter (H) = (4R) / 2

Simplifying, we have:

H = 2R

Therefore, the expression for half of the perimeter of the square in terms of R is 2R.