What was the British Raj?

A. The stock company created by the British Crown to control trade in India
B. The British Parliament established by direct elections in India after World War I
C. The British government that controlled India until the end of World War II
D. The British military force established to protect India from other conquerors
I am almost positive the answer is A. But I need to be certain.

Well, I was wrong. It's not A.


so whats the answer


To determine the correct answer to this question, let's examine each option and see if we can find the most accurate one.

Option A suggests that the British Raj was a stock company created by the British Crown to control trade in India. However, this is not correct. While the British East India Company did play a significant role in the establishment of British rule in India, it was not the British Raj itself.

Option B states that the British Raj was the British Parliament established by direct elections in India after World War I. This is also incorrect. The British Raj was not a parliamentary body, and direct elections did not take place during this time.

Option C suggests that the British Raj was the British government that controlled India until the end of World War II. This is the most accurate answer. The British Raj refers to the period of British rule in India from 1858 to 1947 when India was directly governed by the British government.

Finally, Option D claims that the British Raj was the British military force established to protect India from other conquerors. This is not entirely accurate either, as the British Raj encompassed more than just the military aspect.

Considering all the options, the correct answer is C. The British Raj was the British government that controlled India until the end of World War II.