Which sentence best describes how the process of westward expansion affected American political culture?

A.The need for labor led to the abolition of slavery and increased respect for personal liberty.
B.The concept of expansion led to an accepting culture, and also inspired involvement in international politics.
C.The culture of settlers led to a respect for self-reliance, but also led to discrimination against Native Americans.*****
D.The addition of new states led to a respect for states’ rights, but also led to a decrease in the power of the urban majority.

I am inclined to agree with you.

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I can help you

*and in the end, he was never helped*

To determine which sentence best describes how the process of westward expansion affected American political culture, let's analyze each option.

A. "The need for labor led to the abolition of slavery and increased respect for personal liberty." To verify this statement, we can analyze historical events. The abolition movement gained strength during the early to mid-19th century, leading to the eventual emancipation of slaves. This aligns with the need for labor during westward expansion, as new territories opened for settlement. Additionally, the notion of personal liberty gained traction during this period. Therefore, Sentence A is a plausible choice.

B. "The concept of expansion led to an accepting culture, and also inspired involvement in international politics." To evaluate this option, we can explore historical sources. While westward expansion did contribute to a sense of American exceptionalism and the idea of manifest destiny, it is harder to establish a direct link between expansion and an accepting culture. Furthermore, involvement in international politics can be attributed to other factors, such as changes in global dynamics or geopolitical interests. Therefore, Sentence B seems less likely to be the best choice.

C. "The culture of settlers led to a respect for self-reliance but also led to discrimination against Native Americans." To verify this statement, we can consider the experiences of settlers and Native Americans during westward expansion. Settlers often valued self-reliance and individualism, but this mindset also contributed to the marginalization and mistreatment of Native American communities. Based on historical evidence, Sentence C appears to accurately capture the impact of westward expansion on American political culture.

D. "The addition of new states led to a respect for states' rights, but also led to a decrease in the power of the urban majority." While the addition of new states during westward expansion did raise debates about states' rights, it is questionable whether it directly led to a respect for states' rights or a decrease in the power of the urban majority. Political dynamics and ideological shifts during this period were influenced by various factors, including economic interests, sectionalism, and evolving party platforms. Therefore, Sentence D may not entirely capture the effects of westward expansion on American political culture.

Considering the analysis above, Sentence C ("The culture of settlers led to a respect for self-reliance, but also led to discrimination against Native Americans") seems to best describe how the process of westward expansion affected American political culture.