10. A moving van company charges a fee of 35.00 dollars for the truck rental and 25 cents for every mile the truck travels from the loading location. Let y be the cost in dollars for using the truck for x miles. Write the slope-intercept form of the equation.

11. Using the equation from number 10, how much will it cost to rent the truck and travel 400 miles?

y = 35.00 + 0.25x

Now plug in x=400

thank you, would y=135 for question 11?


10. Well, we know that the cost of the truck rental is $35.00 and there is an additional charge of 25 cents (or $0.25) for every mile. So, the equation can be written as: y = 35 + 0.25x. This is in slope-intercept form, where y represents the cost and x represents the number of miles traveled.

11. Let's plug in the value of x = 400 into the equation from number 10.

y = 35 + 0.25*400
y = 35 + 100
y = 135

So, it will cost $135 to rent the truck and travel 400 miles. But hey, don't worry, I can juggle some numbers if you need a discount!

To write the slope-intercept form of the equation for the moving van company's fees, we can start by identifying the fixed fee and the variable fee per mile.

The fixed fee for truck rental is $35.00. This means that no matter how many miles the truck travels, there will always be this base fee.

The variable fee per mile is $0.25. This means that for each mile traveled, an additional $0.25 will be charged.

Let's use this information to construct the equation. In slope-intercept form, the equation looks like y = mx + b, where y represents the total cost, x represents the number of miles traveled, m represents the slope, and b represents the y-intercept.

In this case, the slope (m) is the variable fee per mile, which is $0.25. The y-intercept (b) is the fixed fee for truck rental, which is $35.00.

Therefore, the equation becomes: y = 0.25x + 35.00.

Now, to answer question number 11:

To find the cost (y) for renting the truck and traveling 400 miles (x = 400), we can substitute the given value into the equation:

y = 0.25(400) + 35.00.

Calculating this expression:
y = 100 + 35.00
y = 135.00.

Therefore, it will cost $135.00 to rent the truck and travel 400 miles.