am a number between 20 & 30. You can divide me into 6 equal groups. What number am I?

its 24 i think

hope this helps :)


To find the number you are, we can start by finding the total number of items in the 6 equal groups. Since we have 6 groups, each group will have the same number of items.

To find the number of items in each group, we can divide the unknown number by 6.

Let's start with 20. If we divide 20 by 6, we get 3 remainder 2. This means that 20 cannot be divided equally into 6 groups.

Next, let's try 21. If we divide 21 by 6, we get 3 remainder 3. Again, 21 cannot be divided evenly into 6 groups.

We can continue this process until we find a number that can be divided evenly into 6 groups.

Let's try 22. If we divide 22 by 6, we get 3 remainder 4. This means that 22 also cannot be divided equally into 6 groups.

Next, let's try 23. If we divide 23 by 6, we get 3 remainder 5. Again, 23 cannot be divided evenly into 6 groups.

We can continue trying numbers until we find the correct number.

Let's try 24. If we divide 24 by 6, we get 4 with no remainder. This means that 24 can be divided evenly into 6 groups.

Therefore, the number you are is 24.