What was the objective of the House Un-American Activities Committee?

A.)investigate protestors that burned the American flag
B.)investigate people suspected of Communist activities
C.)eliminate foreign diplomats with ties to terrorist organizations
D.)review the applications of refugees seeking political asylum

I think its B

B is right


Answering yourself! If you already knew, why did you ask?

You are correct, the objective of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was to investigate people suspected of Communist activities. To arrive at this answer, you can break down the options and eliminate those that do not align with the purpose of the HUAC.

Option A, investigating protestors that burned the American flag, is not directly related to the HUAC's purpose. While the HUAC may have investigated individuals who were involved in activities deemed unpatriotic, such as burning the American flag, this was not its primary objective.

Option C, eliminating foreign diplomats with ties to terrorist organizations, is also not the objective of the HUAC. The HUAC primarily focused on domestic investigations related to Communist activities, rather than targeting foreign diplomats or terrorist organizations.

Option D, reviewing the applications of refugees seeking political asylum, is not within the scope of the HUAC's mandate. The HUAC's activities were centered around internal investigations related to communist influences rather than dealing with refugees seeking political asylum.

Therefore, the only option that remains is B, investigating people suspected of Communist activities. This aligns with the primary objective of the HUAC, which was established in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty or subversive activities within the United States.