A car uses 20 litres of petrol for a journey of 180km.how many litres will it use for a journey of 108km?(assume its travels at the same rate

Pls give me the answer I need it right now

Just use a simple ratio

x/108 = 20/180

Now just solve for x

if 180 km uses 20 L
then 1 km uses 20/180 L
so 108 km will use 108(20/180) L, notice you end up with the same calculations.

(Just receiving the answer means that you have learned nothing)

I'm standard 6 so i want some new things here

My ques

Thank you

1litre=180/20=9km, therefore 108km=108/9=12l

To find out how many liters of petrol the car will use for a journey of 108 km, we can use a proportion based on the distance traveled.

First, let's set up the proportion using the relationship between the distance traveled and the amount of petrol used:

Distance 1 / Petrol 1 = Distance 2 / Petrol 2

In this case, Distance 1 is 180 km and Petrol 1 is 20 liters. Distance 2 is 108 km, and we need to find Petrol 2.

180 km / 20 liters = 108 km / Petrol 2

To find Petrol 2, we can cross-multiply and solve for it:

180 km * Petrol 2 = 20 liters * 108 km

180 * Petrol 2 = 2160

Petrol 2 = 2160 / 180

Petrol 2 = 12 liters

Therefore, for a journey of 108 km, the car will use 12 liters of petrol.