Cells dispose of waste via a process called (1 point)





A cell is dropped into a saltwater solution and shrivels up. This indicates that the solution is (1 point)





Exocytosis and hypertonic, hope this helps.

1. Passive transport- from high to low using no energy

2. Active transport- low to high using energy
3. Isotonic-solute in environment equal to concentrate inside the cell
4. Cells dispose of waste via exocytosis
5. Cell dropped in salt water- hypertonic

Thanks Rose!

Guys watch out on that last question I got it wrong because I didnt look close enough at it there is an answer choice very similarly spelled

(1 point) The correct answers are:

- Cells dispose of waste via a process called exocytosis. It's like the cell is saying, "I don't need this waste anymore, out you go!"
- A cell dropping into a saltwater solution and shriveling up indicates that the solution is hypertonic. It's like the cell walked into a saltwater dance party but didn't bring any water with it, so it became dehydrated and shrunken.

The process by which cells dispose of waste is called exocytosis. Exocytosis is a process where cells release waste materials and other substances by fusing vesicles containing these materials with the cell membrane, allowing them to be expelled from the cell.

To determine the solution in which a cell shrivels up when dropped into a saltwater solution, we need to understand the concept of tonicity. Tonicity refers to the concentration of solutes in a solution compared to the concentration of solutes inside a cell.

When a cell is dropped into a saltwater solution and shrivels up, it indicates that the solution is hypertonic. A hypertonic solution has a higher concentration of solutes (salt, in this case) compared to the concentration of solutes inside the cell. As a result, water from the cell moves outwards in an attempt to balance the concentrations, causing the cell to shrink or shrivel up.

On the other hand, a hypotonic solution has a lower concentration of solutes compared to the cell's interior. In a hypotonic solution, water moves into the cell, causing it to swell or potentially burst.

An isotonic solution has an equal concentration of solutes compared to the cell's interior, resulting in no net movement of water. Consequently, the cell maintains its shape and size in an isotonic solution.

Therefore, in this case, since the cell shriveled up, we can conclude that the saltwater solution is hypertonic compared to the cell.