X varies directly as the product of U and V and inversely as their sum. If x = 3 when u = 3 and v = 1, what is the value of x if u= 3 and v = 3

Anabel, the value of x is 3. That's what it said in the problem right?


Good. But that might not be the answer. What do you think, Anabel?

I don't even have an idea of what the answer is

Huh. I feel your pain. What school do you go to?

If you need help, maybe see if you can get a tutor. Just some advice

x varies directly as the product of U and V and inversely as their sum

This means that x(u,v) = kuv/(u+v) for some constant k.
So, using the data point,
3k/4 = 3
k = 4
That is, x(u,v) = 4uv/(u+v)
So, x(3,3) = 36/6 = 6

Or, you can see that
x(u+v)/uv = k, which is constant. So, you want to find x such that
x(3+3)/(3*3) = 3(3+1)(3*1)
6x/9 = 4
x = 6