The Washington Monument is 169 meters tall with a square base 16.8 m wide. An artist plans to construct a replica on the shore of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, using a scale factor of 1:8.

What is the area of the replica’s base in square meters rounded to two decimal places?





divide the area by 8^2


To find the area of the replica's base in square meters, we need to first determine the dimensions of the replica's base using the given scale factor.

The scale factor of 1:8 means that for every 1 unit of the original Washington Monument, the replica will be 1/8th of that size.

Given that the original Washington Monument has a square base that is 16.8 meters wide, we can calculate the width of the replica's base:

16.8 meters ÷ 8 = 2.1 meters

So, the width of the replica's base is 2.1 meters.

To find the area of a square, we can square one of its sides. In this case, we square the width of the replica's base:

2.1 meters x 2.1 meters = 4.41 square meters

Therefore, the area of the replica's base in square meters, rounded to two decimal places, is 4.41.

Hence, the correct option is: 4.41.

To find the area of the replica's base in square meters, we need to apply the scale factor of 1:8 to the original dimensions of the Washington Monument.

First, we find the length of one side of the replica's base by dividing the original width by the scale factor:
Length = 16.8 m / 8 = 2.1 m

Next, we calculate the area of the replica's base by squaring the length:
Area = (2.1 m)² = 4.41 m²

Therefore, the area of the replica's base in square meters is 4.41, which matches option (C) 4.41.