Which process would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent? (1 point)

A tree growing from the stump of another tree.

A bacterium splitting in two.

A bird laying an egg.

A plant growing from a seed.

I need an answer QUICK

I am a student from Connexus

What is your choice (best guess)?

I agree with you.

1 fragmentation

2 Sexual reproduction is from the seeds, and asexual reproduction is from the stems.
3 A bacterium splitting in two.
4 It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
You can trust me, I'm a realiable source and am happy to help. :) LIke if im currect!

Hi! :) so I used 'umm's' answers and I got it correct! Thank you!


oh cool we have the same name

YALL its is 2021 and there is a different question. for number two. It took me forever to find the answer but I got it for the 7th grade quick check on asexual reproduction for plants

1 fragmentation
2 vegetable reproduction and spores
3 A bacterium splitting in two.
4 It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
You can trust me, I'm a realiable source and am happy to help. :) LIke if im currect!

yall umm is right i was looking for answer 2 also.

In which form of reproduction will pieces of the parent develop into identical copies of the parent?

fragmentation correct


vegetative reproduction

binary fission

Fern plants can reproduce asexually using two processes: One way is by growing an offspring from its roots. Another way is by releasing reproductive cells into the air that will later grow into new plants. Which terms define these two processes?

spores and budding

budding and agamogenesis

fragmentation and vegetative reproduction

vegetative reproduction and spores correct

Which process would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent?

A bacterium splitting in two. correct

A bird laying an egg

A tree growing from the stump of another tree.

A plant growing from a seed.

umm is correct

Asexual Reproduction Strategies Quick Check

In which form of reproduction will pieces of the parent develop into identical copies of the parent?

Fern plants can reproduce asexually using two processes: One way is by growing an offspring from its roots. Another way is by releasing reproductive cells into the air that will later grow into new plants. Which terms define these two processes?
(A).vegetative reproduction and spores

Which process would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent?
(C).A bacterium splitting in two.

Some flatworms reproduce through fragmentation. What is a disadvantage of this method?
(C).It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.


which is for 2023-2024