In the middle ages, ceremonies such as weddings had to be performed by

A- The man of the house
B- A bishop
C- A priest - my answer
D- The pope
I rlly need this! helpppp

Yes you are right

No! i got a B! gr8..

Naw its right!

In the Middle Ages, ceremonies such as weddings were generally performed by a priest. Priests played a central role in the Christian church and were responsible for conducting religious rituals and sacraments. They were authorized to perform marriage ceremonies and oversee the exchange of vows between the couple.

To arrive at this answer, you can use historical knowledge about the religious practices of the time. During the Middle Ages, Christianity was the dominant religion in most of Europe, and the Church had a significant influence on society. Considering this information, it is reasonable to conclude that someone associated with the Church, like a priest, would have been responsible for conducting important religious ceremonies like weddings.

While other options, such as the man of the house, a bishop, or the pope, may have held authority within their respective roles, they were not typically the ones directly responsible for performing marriage ceremonies.