Create a detailed educational physics-themed image without text. It should include five scenes, each corresponding to one of the questions in the exam. Scene 1: An object with shown mass and velocity, symbolizing momentum calculation. Scene 2: The same object varying in speed, illustrating acceleration, mass, velocity, and momentum. Scene 3: Two objects facing each other, one at rest and the other in motion to depict Newton's second law of motion. Scene 4: A static system with directional arrows balancing each other, indicating a total net force of zero. Scene 5: Four split-framed scenarios - a balloon floating, a plane landing, a rock falling, and a car on a racetrack.

Need serious help!!

1. How can the momentum of a moving object be found?
A. By multiplying its mass by its acceleration.
B. By dividing its change in distance trabeled by the time it travels.
C. By dividing its velocity bu the time it travels.
D. By multiplying its mass by its velocity.

2. In everyday life, changing the speed of a moving object will change all but which value?
A. Acceleration
B. Mass
C. Velocity
D. Momentum

3. What does Newton's second law of motion state?
A. For every force there is an equal and opposite force.
B. Momentum equals mass times velocity.
C. Force equals mass times acceleration.
D. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

4. If the total net force on a system is zero, assuming the mass remains constant, which must be true?
A. The velocity is increasing.
B.The acceleration is increasing.
C. The acceleratin is zero.
D. The velocity is decreasing.

5. Which scenario describes an object experiencing zero net force?
A. A balloon floating upward at a constant velocity.
B. A plane landing on a runway.
C. A rock falling off a cliff.
D. A car driving around a circular race track.

1. A

2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A

rainbow is wrong i failed its


1) by multiplying its mass by its velocity

2) mass
3) Force equals mass times acceleration.
4) The acceleration is zero.
5) A balloon floating upward at a constant velocity.

Yea is right! 100%

Thx Yea, 100% on Zero Net Force Quick Check

100% let’s gooooo

Need one more like on yea answer hehe

Yea it's 100% correct Wait till I tell Miss Sue you'll get 100% and all your classes

Yea is correct. Please use his answers if you’re doing the connexus zero net force quick check.

yall remember jishika?

Yep, what happened to it?