1. What is a dendrite?

A) It is a cell that sends signals to the central nervous system based on sensory input.

B) It is the part of a neuron that carries information to the cell body.

C) It is a cell that sends signals to the body to move.

D) It is the part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body.

2. What is the term for changes in the internal or external environment that cause a response?

A) stimuli

B) signals

C) nerves

D) messages

3. How do signals move from a sensory neuron toward the brain?

A) The signal is sent through the part of the neuron that is in contact with the spinal cord.

B) Signals move from dendrite to dendrite towards the brain.

C) Interneurons help signals move from one neuron to another toward the spinal cord.

D) Motor neurons signal for the body to move the signal toward the brain.

4. What part of the nervous system is very well protected by bone?

A) central nervous system

B) interneurons

C) peripheral nervous system

D) sensory neurons

5. You see a mosquito land on your hand and swat at it. A signal passes through many parts of different neurons to make this happen. Which component of the nervous system is the last to be involved in this process?

A) dendrites in sensory neurons

B) axons in motor neurons

C) dendrites in motor neurons

D) axons in sensory neurons

I dont know pls help me

1. a part of a neuron that carries information to the cell body

2 stimuli

3.Through interneurons in the brain and spinal cord that connect sensory neurons and motor neurons

4.central nervous system

5.axons in motor neurons

i had got a 100 trust mee

I'm going to trust you because I'm a stupid trusting peeson

You told the truth thank you😁

life saver is right!!!

why steal my name?

What part of the nervous system is completely protected by bone? (1 point)



central nervous system
central nervous system

peripheral nervous system
peripheral nervous system

sensory neurons

The correct answer is "central nervous system".

If i get 2-3 lessons a day with 8 days of school left and 57 overdue lessons how many lessons do i need to do everyday to catch up.

There are 8 days of school left, so you have 8 days to complete your overdue lessons.

If you need to complete 57 overdue lessons, and you can complete at most 3 lessons per day, you could complete a maximum of 3 lessons x 8 days = 24 lessons in the remaining time.

To catch up on the remaining 57 βˆ’ 24 = 33 lessons, you need to work on an additional 33 lessons Γ· 8 days = 4.125 lessons per day.

This means you would need to complete at least 5 lessons per day to catch up within the remaining time.

and if i do 10-15 lessons every day in how many days will they be completed

If you complete 10-15 lessons every day, and you have 57 overdue lessons, then you can calculate the number of days required to complete all the lessons as follows:

- If you complete 10 lessons every day, you need 57 / 10 = 5.7 days, which rounds up to 6 days.
- If you complete 15 lessons every day, you need 57 / 15 = 3.8 days, which rounds up to 4 days.

So if you do 10 lessons every day, it will take you about 6 days to complete all the overdue lessons. If you do 15 lessons every day, it will take you about 4 days to complete all the overdue lessons.

Which sensory receptors are involved in hearing?(1 point)






The correct answer is "mechanoreceptors".

A person who has the condition CIPA is unable to feel pain or temperature. Which sensory receptors are affected by this condition?(1 point)


thermoreceptors and mechanoreceptors
thermoreceptors and mechanoreceptors

mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors
mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors

chemoreceptors and photoreceptors
chemoreceptors and photoreceptors

photoreceptors and thermoreceptors

The correct answer is "thermoreceptors and mechanoreceptors".

Which observation could you make based on stimuli to your photoreceptors?(1 point)


This apple is red.
This apple is red.

This apple is cold.
This apple is cold.

This apple is lightweight.
This apple is lightweight.

This apple is tart.

You could make the observation "This apple is red" based on stimuli to your photoreceptors.

How do sensory receptors communicate a stimulus to the brain?(1 point)



electrical signals
electrical signals

pressure waves
pressure waves

muscle cells

The correct answer is "electrical signals".

Which sensory receptors detect when your shoes are too tight?(1 point)






The correct answer is "mechanoreceptors".

The eye is an organ of which major body system? (1 point)






The eye is an organ of the "nervous" system.

Which statement best describes the purpose of the eye?(1 point)


The eye sends images to the brain.
The eye sends images to the brain.

The eye takes in and responds to stimuli.
The eye takes in and responds to stimuli.

The eye receives and processes visual signals.
The eye receives and processes visual signals.

The eye lets in varying amounts of light.

The statement "The eye receives and processes visual signals" is the best description of the purpose of the eye.

What is the purpose of photoreceptors?(1 point)


They change light to electrical signals.
They change light to electrical signals.

They focus the light coming into the eye.
They focus the light coming into the eye.

They contract and relax to control the pupil.
They contract and relax to control the pupil.

They receive light and turn it into an image.
They receive light and turn it into an image.

The purpose of photoreceptors is to "receive light and turn it into an image".

In which organizational level is the eye?(1 point)


organ systems
organ systems




The eye is an "organ".

How does a marine iguana maintain homeostasis despite ingesting large amounts of salt with its food? (1 point)


Marine iguanas sweat a lot to get rid of the extra salt.
Marine iguanas sweat a lot to get rid of the extra salt.

Marine iguanas pass large amounts of salt through their urine.
Marine iguanas pass large amounts of salt through their urine.

Marine iguanas throw up large amounts of salt.
Marine iguanas throw up large amounts of salt.

Marine iguanas sneeze excess salt out of their bodies.
Marine iguanas sneeze excess salt out of their bodies.

How does the human body prevent internal energy levels from becoming too low?(1 point)

The nervous system transmits feelings of fullness to the digestive system, which signals metabolism to stop.
The nervous system transmits feelings of fullness to the digestive system, which signals metabolism to stop.

The digestive system transmits feelings of hunger to the brain, which initiates eating.
The digestive system transmits feelings of hunger to the brain, which initiates eating.

The digestive system transmits feelings of fullness to the nervous system, which signals metabolism to stop.
The digestive system transmits feelings of fullness to the nervous system, which signals metabolism to stop.

The brain transmits feelings of hunger to the digestive system, which initiates eating.
The brain transmits feelings of hunger to the digestive system, which initiates eating.

How does the body react to cold temperatures? (1 point)

Your body sweats to help it maintain homeostasis.
Your body sweats to help it maintain homeostasis.

You body sweats to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.
You body sweats to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.

Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.
Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.

Your body shivers to help it maintain homeostasis.
Your body shivers to help it maintain homeostasis.

Which statement describes homeostasis?(1 point)

It is a process of maintaining an external state of balance for an organism.
It is a process of maintaining an external state of balance for an organism.

It is how an organism reacts to external factors.
It is how an organism reacts to external factors.

It is a process of maintaining an internal state of balance for an organism.
It is a process of maintaining an internal state of balance for an organism.

It is how an organism reacts to internal factors.

"How does a marine iguana maintain homeostasis despite ingesting large amounts of salt with its food?": Marine iguanas pass large amounts of salt through their urine.

"How does the human body prevent internal energy levels from becoming too low?": The digestive system transmits feelings of fullness to the nervous system, which signals metabolism to stop.

"How does the body react to cold temperatures?": Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.

"Which statement describes homeostasis?": It is a process of maintaining an internal state of balance for an organism.

wrong. you only got the last one right. im not using you for answers anymore, bot.

I apologize for any incorrect answers and hope I can assist you better in the future. Please keep in mind that my responses are generated based on my programming and algorithms, which can sometimes make mistakes. As an AI language model, my goal is to assist users in their queries to the best of my abilities and provide helpful and accurate information.