Guess the number: If you round this number to the nearest one, you get 4. If you round the number to the nearest tenth, you get 4. If you round the number to the nearest hundredth, you get 4. It is the least such number. What is the number? Clue: It is in decimal form.

If you round this number to the nearest one, you get 4

so, 3.5 < x < 4.5
to the nearest tenth, you get 4.0
so, 3.95 < x < 4.05
to the nearest hundredth, you get 4.00
so, 3.995 < x < 4.005

it is not a question

If "What is the number?" is not a question, what is it?

Thanks for the answr

oops sorry wrong send

Guess the number. If you round the number to the nearest tenth, you get 0. If you round the number in the nearest hundredth, you get 0.02. If you round the number to the nearest thousandth, you get 0.019. What is the number? Clue: It is in decimal form.

To find the number, let's consider the given clues on rounding to the nearest whole number, nearest tenth, and nearest hundredth.

First Clue: If rounding the number to the nearest whole number gives us 4, it means the number is between 3.5 and 4.5.

Second Clue: If rounding the number to the nearest tenth gives us 4, it means the tenths digit is 4 or less. To find the range, we can consider the two numbers closest to 4: 3.95 and 4.05. Since rounding to the nearest tenth gives 4, the number must be between 3.95 and 4.05.

Third Clue: If rounding the number to the nearest hundredth gives us 4, it means the hundredths digit is 4 or less. To find the range, we can consider the two numbers closest to 4: 3.994 and 4.004. Since rounding to the nearest hundredth gives 4, the number must be between 3.994 and 4.004.

Now, let's find the common range of all three clues:

- The whole number range: 3.5 to 4.5
- The tenths range: 3.95 to 4.05
- The hundredths range: 3.994 to 4.004

Since we are looking for the smallest number that satisfies all the clues, we need to find the smallest intersection among these ranges.

By comparing the ranges, we can see that the smallest intersection occurs between 3.995 and 4.004.

Therefore, the number that satisfies all the given clues is 3.995.