Of the five characteristics of living things, which one is required for the species to survive but does not have to apply to an individual?(1 point)

use of energy to function


response to the environment

growth and change over a life cycle

what do you thank it is

BRUH He asked the question so you'd help help

how d u m b are you?

help help???

the duck-

No, viruses are not alive because they rely on a host organism to be able to reproduce.

2. reproduction
3. chloroplast
4. Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.
5. mitochondrion
6. It helps recognize other cells.
7. It helps unicellular organisms move.
8. photosynthesis
9. Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not.

10 11 12 i need help

Bruh we need help on 10, 11, and 12 😑

theres only ten

on mine

BRO I HAVE 20 questions-

yo same

im doing a schoology


Same, I need it for connexus in schoology lol

Ok here is the 20 question test on schoology for science I just finished the test yes I got 2 wrong but then I corrected them so I got a 20 out of 20

3.The cell wall is found only in plant cells, while the plasma membrane is found in both plant and animal cells.
4.carry and transmit signals
6.Both plant cells and animal cells have flexible plasma membranes.
8.Leaf cells have chloroplasts, but root cells do not.
9.the invention of the microscope
10.No, viruses are not alive because they rely on a host organism to be able to reproduce.
11.It helps unicellular organisms move.
14.plasma membrane
15.No, the student is not correct because all cells come from preexisting cells.
17.It helps filter waste inside the cell.
18.all functions
19.fungus (mushroom)
20.A multicellular organism has many specialized cells.

the questions are out of order @Bopa*U*

Is Bopa Right?

wish i could jus check my answers bro

Chop chop gib answers

Wow this is sad.

You guys need to learn to think for yourselves. If your in my class your getting a Zero. I will also be contacting your parents.