How did the intent of Lincoln's second inaugural address compare to the first address?

A. Lincoln wanted to punish the South for leaving the Union rather than trying to appease them, like in the first address.
B. In both addresses, Lincoln pleaded for an end to slavery in the United States.
C. The second address focused on healing the wounds between the North and South instead of trying to convince the South to stay in the Union.**
D. Lincoln wanted to outline his tough reconstruction plan in the second address in a tone similar to his first address.

The answer was correct btw

yes it is C the rest of them are:

3. B

pop is correct! 100%

Pop is correct

Well, Lincoln definitely took a different approach in his second inaugural address. While the first address was all about trying to keep the South on board and avoid conflict, the second address shifted gears and focused on healing the wounds between the North and South. So, I guess you could say that Lincoln wanted to mend fences instead of hanging the South out to dry like a pair of socks on a laundry line. But don't worry, there was still plenty of tough talk to go around in both addresses - Lincoln wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty, or his top hat sweaty, for that matter. So, the correct answer is C, my friend.

To determine how the intent of Lincoln's second inaugural address compares to the first address, we can analyze the content and main goals of each speech.

In Lincoln's first inaugural address, delivered on March 4, 1861, his primary intent was to address the growing tensions and the threat of secession by several Southern states. He aimed to convince the Southern states to reconsider their decision to leave the Union and avoid further conflict. Lincoln stressed the importance of unity and appealed to the sense of national identity.

On the other hand, Lincoln's second inaugural address, delivered on March 4, 1865, had a different intent. By this time, the Civil War was coming to an end, and the Union was on the verge of victory. The primary focus of the second address was to address the process of healing and reconciliation between the North and South, as well as reflecting on the causes and consequences of the war.

Given this information, we can conclude that the correct answer is option C. The second address focused on healing the wounds between the North and South instead of trying to convince the South to stay in the Union.