What type of media uses both sound and moving images?(1 point) 1.printed text 2.video 3.audio 4.audio and video

my answer is audio and video


was it right

The correct answer is video


1.The audience can hear the tone the speaker intends.

compare the strengths and limitations of each medium


a video

.printed text

The type of media that uses both sound and moving images is audio and video. To arrive at this answer, you can break down the question into two parts:

1. What is the type of media that includes sound?
To answer this, you can eliminate options 1 (printed text) and 2 (video), as they do not typically have sound.

2. What is the type of media that includes moving images?
Again, you can eliminate option 3 (audio) as it does not have moving images.

By process of elimination, we find that the correct answer is option 4 (audio and video), as it includes both sound and moving images.