What is a main reason you would use a physical model to help you understand a topic?

Humans better understand things with a physical model. This is one of the reasons why engineer use 3d rendering software to model an object to get a virtually physical representation of it.

Sue no help :/

the answer is d

yay I got it correct thx person im to lazy to write of

the answer is It allows you to use multiple senses

Answer: (1 models and sculpture)

(2 visual)
(3 It allows you to use multiple senses.)
(4 a slideshow) i did this so i'm shore these are the answer's

A main reason why you would use a physical model to help you understand a topic is because it provides a tangible representation of an abstract concept or idea. Physical models can be three-dimensional objects, diagrams, or visual representations that mimic the characteristics or behaviors of the real thing. Here's how you can understand the main reason:

1. Visualizing Concepts: Physical models allow you to visualize complex concepts that might be difficult to comprehend through verbal or written explanations alone. By manipulating a physical model, you can grasp the relationships, structures, and interactions among different components.

2. Hands-on Learning: Physical models often require hands-on interaction, which helps engage your tactile senses. With this approach, you can actively explore and experiment with the model, promoting a deeper level of understanding. This hands-on learning experience can enhance your overall comprehension and retention of the subject matter.

3. Simplifying Complexity: Some topics, such as scientific phenomena or intricate systems, can be challenging to conceptualize due to their complexity. Physical models simplify these complexities by breaking them down into more understandable components or representations. This simplification facilitates better comprehension and makes it easier to grasp the underlying principles.

4. Predicting and Testing: Physical models can also be used to predict the outcomes or behaviors of real-world scenarios by simulating those scenarios in a controlled environment. By manipulating the physical model, you can experiment and test different variables or conditions to predict the possible outcomes before implementing them in real life.

In summary, the main reason to use a physical model is that it provides a tangible representation of a complex or abstract topic, allowing for better visualization, hands-on learning, simplification of complexity, and predictive testing.