Facts and details that the author writes clearly in the text are called what?

explicit information
obscure information
educated guesses
exciting information
PLEASE HELP ME! I really need help on this!

why are you wasting time?

use dictionary.com and look up explicit, obscure, and exciting
then decide

Okay DS.

pls help me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The facts and details that the author writes clearly in the text are called explicit information. To determine this, it is important to carefully read the text and identify the information that is presented directly and explicitly by the author. Explicit information is usually stated directly, leaving no room for confusion or interpretation. It provides clear and specific details that help to support the main ideas or arguments in the text. In contrast, obscure information refers to details that are unclear, difficult to understand, or not clearly stated by the author. Educated guesses are assumptions or inferences made based on available information, but they are not explicit facts presented by the author. Exciting information, on the other hand, refers to details in the text that may capture the reader's interest, but it does not necessarily mean that they are explicit or clearly stated by the author.