What is the correct order of the social structure of ancient Egypt? Place the highest group at the top and the lowest group at the bottom.


OMG I remember doing this. R u in 6th grade??

If so ive done this. I will try to figure it out!!



good luck!!

its right

To determine the correct order of the social structure of ancient Egypt, with the highest group at the top and the lowest group at the bottom, one could consider the hierarchical structure of ancient Egyptian society.

1. Pharaoh: The pharaoh was at the top of the social structure as the ruler of ancient Egypt. They held supreme power and were considered divine.

2. Priests: Below the pharaoh were the priests. They were responsible for carrying out religious rituals and were highly respected in society.

3. Scribes: Scribes played a crucial role in ancient Egyptian society. They were educated individuals who could read and write, which made them important for record-keeping, bureaucracy, and maintaining the written traditions of the civilization.

4. Merchants: Merchants were involved in trade and commerce. They had a significant role in the economy of ancient Egypt but generally held a lower social status compared to priests and scribes.

5. Farmers: At the bottom of the social structure were the farmers. The majority of the population in ancient Egypt were farmers, who worked the land and produced food for the society.

It is important to note that this ranking is a general representation of the social structure in ancient Egypt, and there may have been some variations based on specific circumstances and time periods.