In The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: Mysterious Hieroglyphics, James Cross Giblin makes his ideas clear to readers best through his

A. confidence and style.
B. courage and success.
C. tone and viewpoint.
D. format and objectives.


idk but nice username

uggg I need help with this question please somebody help!

I must start a war... FOR RIN

idk either


To determine how James Cross Giblin makes his ideas clear to readers in "The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: Mysterious Hieroglyphics," we can analyze the choices given.

A. Confidence and style: This might refer to the author's writing style and the level of conviction with which he presents his ideas. Giblin could convey his ideas effectively through a confident and engaging writing style.

B. Courage and success: Although courage and success can be admirable qualities, they might not directly relate to how Giblin expresses his ideas in the book.

C. Tone and viewpoint: This refers to the author's attitude and perspective, which are crucial in conveying ideas effectively. Giblin's tone and viewpoint can help readers understand his ideas better.

D. Format and objectives: The format of the book (e.g., chapters, organization) and the author's objectives could contribute to presenting his ideas coherently.

Given the options, it seems that the most suitable choice would be C. Tone and viewpoint. By analyzing the author's tone and understanding his viewpoint, readers can grasp his ideas more effectively. It is important to consider how Giblin presents the information, expresses his opinions, and how his perspective shapes the narrative.

When reading the book, pay attention to Giblin's tone and the author's perspective on the mysterious hieroglyphics. This will provide valuable insights into his ideas and enhance your understanding of the text.