Visualize an ancient Yaqui mythological scene involving land dwellers and the sea. Depict a group of ancient Yaqui individuals of diverse race and gender on the sea's edge, watching with curiosity and fear. Show one individual at the brink of entering the water, while the others exhibit reactions that match the four mentioned outcomes - expecting a fiery discovery, transformation into a toad, an unexpected reward, or impending doom. However, avoid displaying any text in the image.

What did the ancient Yaquis think would happen to land dwellers who entered the sea?(1 point)

They would find fire.

They would become toads.

They would be rewarded.

They would die.

I got C but idk if it's right someone please correct me.

I need quiz answers

@Anonymous so did i lol


anyone need answers?

Yes pls @alyssa

Soo anyone have the answers?

1. They would find fire

2. Essay
3.They asked the great spirit for rain
4. Essay
5. essay

(Connexus students)

thank you for that

is galaxy right?

galaxy is right

1.they would die

Because yaquis thought it was dangerous. hope this help