Create a vivid and attention-grabbing image that represents a person tasting something and reacting unpleasantly. Ensure that the person's facial expression and body language clearly indicate a bad taste. In the background, include symbolic illustrations of two different food items, one appealing and delicious-looking, and the other unpleasant and rather unappetizing. Do not include any text in the image.

Which of the following Spanish exclamations would you use to say that you think something tastes bad?

A. ¡Chévere!
B. ¡Qué sabroso está!
C. ¡Qué malo está!

so, what is the Spanish word for flavor?

dw y'all, i'm here w the answers <3

lemme finish the quiz rq

1. B

2. A
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. B

omg, yesss.

10/10 !!
tysm @doja's visible lace <3

awl ty decided 2

✨ U P G R A D E ✨

10 is c on mine

To determine which of the Spanish exclamations to use to say that you think something tastes bad, we need to understand the meaning of the options given.

A. ¡Chévere! - This exclamation is used in Spanish to express that something is cool or awesome, and doesn't convey the meaning of something tasting bad.

B. ¡Qué sabroso está! - This exclamation is used to express that something tastes delicious or flavorful, so it is the opposite of what we are looking for.

C. ¡Qué malo está! - This exclamation is the correct option to use when you think something tastes bad. "¡Qué malo está!" translates to "How bad it tastes!"

Therefore, the answer is C. ¡Qué malo está!