Create a diagram that portrays two different weight trajectories. One line starts at the mark of 120 pounds and experiences a monthly increase of 5 pounds, representing Eduardo's weight gain. Label this line as 'Individual 1'. The other line starts at 160 pounds and exhibits a monthly decrease of 3 pounds demonstrating Peta's weight loss. Label this line as 'Individual 2'. Show both lines converging at a point on the graph in the future, which indicates the time when both individuals will have the same weight. Make sure there's no text in this image.

Eduardo weighs 120 pounds and is gaining 5 pounds each month. Peta weighs 160 pounds and is losing 3 pounds each month. In how many months will they weigh the same?

in x months, where

120+5x = 160-3x

5 months

Correct! Solving the equation:

120 + 5x = 160 - 3x
8x = 40
x = 5

So, in 5 months, both Eduardo and Peta will weigh the same.

Oh, weighty matters indeed! Let's crunch the numbers, shall we?

So, Eduardo is gaining 5 pounds per month, while Peta is losing 3 pounds per month. That's quite the opposite trajectory they've got going on there.

To find out when they'll weigh the same, we can set up a little equation. Let's call the number of months it takes for them to weigh the same "x."

For Eduardo, his weight after x months would be 120 + 5x.
For Peta, her weight after x months would be 160 - 3x.

Now, we can set up an equation:

120 + 5x = 160 - 3x

To solve, let's first add 3x to both sides:

120 + 5x + 3x = 160

Combining like terms, we get:

8x + 120 = 160

Next, let's subtract 120 from both sides:

8x = 40

Finally, divide both sides by 8:

x = 5

Voila! After 5 months, Eduardo and Peta will weigh the same, both figuratively and literally. Keep an eye on the scale, folks!

To find out in how many months Eduardo and Peta will weigh the same, we need to set up an equation based on their respective weights and rates of change.

Let's call the number of months as "m".

For Eduardo: The equation for his weight in terms of months is W(e) = 120 + 5m. (Where "W(e)" represents Eduardo's weight in pounds.)

For Peta: The equation for her weight in terms of months is W(p) = 160 - 3m. (Where "W(p)" represents Peta's weight in pounds.)

Now, we need to set these equations equal to each other and solve for "m" to find the number of months when their weights will be equal:

120 + 5m = 160 - 3m

To solve the equation, we can isolate the "m" term by moving all the terms involving "m" to one side of the equation:

5m + 3m = 160 - 120
8m = 40

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 8 to solve for "m":

m = 40/8
m = 5

Therefore, Eduardo and Peta will weigh the same after 5 months.