What is one economic factor affecting technology in Africa?

A. decreasing investment in technology hubs

B. decreasing jobs in technology

C. increasing competition among Internet providers

D. lack of competition among Internet providers

Lack of competition among Internet providers

1. B

2. Ethnic Conflict
3. C
4. D

For Conexus BTW


1. Desertification
2. Ethnic Conflict
3. Workers would be able to produce more
4. Lack of competition among Internet providers

Increasing conmpetion among internet providers

@Just tryna get by is right. At least for connexus, they are.

Challenges Facing Africa Quick Check

Just took it made a freaking 75🤨.

The right answers are:
1. North Africa..environmental challenge?
B. Desertification

2. Drop-Down....
B. Ethnic Conflict

3. How would better.....economies?
C. Workers ....produce more.

4. What is one ....tech in Africa?
D. Lack of infrastructure, especially in technology and energy

So I put the letter and answers cause they switch it up sometimes.

lol que love the emoji sorry:)

oye hombre. No ablo engles.

(it means hey friend, i dont speak english) [I SPEACK ENGLISH BY THE WAY >:D]

speak* not speack XC