Illustrate an ecological scene demonstrating the impact of reintroducing wolves into an area. Show wolves in a lush Yellowstone National Park, prowling near a forest edge, with their attention focused on a herd of elks. In the background, highlight a thriving beaver population busily constructing dams in a healthy, flowing river. This inspiring image should depict the intricate balance of the ecosystem without any text.

how did the reintroduction of wolves to yellowstone national park affect the beaver population

The wolves increased the population by eating a competitor.

for anyone looking for all of the answers to the test, i gotchu <3

1) The wolves increased the population by eating a competitor.
2) The deer population increased.
3) willow
4) The producer population increases, while the secondary consumer population decreases.

good luck,, ill try and give more answers for connexus :)

thanks man

thanks space boy you are a hundred percent right and cool names izuku and katsuki

thanks @katsuki, Izuku,

space boy, magic, keigo takami

#cool names

#cool names

# cool names

i spent like 30 minutes copy pasting #coolnames and then it said "Your response is too long" CMON MAN

Thanks space boy

space boy !! Thxs

ayeeee space boy wit da win

alright space boy! 100% so MANLY!!

Thank you so much space boy you are a life savor!!!πŸš€πŸ™‹

spaceboy igot a 3/4 number 1 is wrong everthing else is right thatnks so much space boy

p,s now we talk about bruno no


ill give you the answers for math, science, and art

Math: 1.) B 11.55 m2
2.) C 181.12 mm2
3.) C 21 in2
4.) B 22 ft
5.) A 12 mm

Science: 1.) The wolves increased the population by eating a competitor
2.) The deer population increased
3.) willow
4.) The producer population increases, while the secondary consumer population decreases

Art: 1.) cultural exchange
2.) oil pant
3.) to consider thoughtfully over an extended period of time
4.) Greeks borrowing images from Near East cultures
5.) Wright pioneered a style of architecture that was in tune with nature
6.) cultural heritage, natural heritage, and scholastic value
7.) freedom of speech
8.) a passive observer
9.) an active observer
10.) "This artist pays close attention to capturing the shadows on the subject's

Art 7 B unit 2 lesson 6, Science 7 B unit 3 lesson 7, Math 7 B unit 2 lesson 2

@space boy is 100% correct. thanks space boy even though its been a year

@space boy is correct! wish I was that smart lol TvT

Space boyyy I could never thank you moreeeee :))))) THANKS SO MUCH

Thx space boy!!

#Cool Names

Thank you Space boy, i got 100% OwO

where is space boy

yall im gonna save u w a simple thing... they literally give the answers away in the lesson, like take ab 2 mins to skim through the lesson while you have the assessment open to know what ur looking for and i guarantee that you'll get 100% every time, these science quizzes are so easy if u actually put in the effort

(why cant i curse omg i h8 this)

Thanks, comrades!


100% correct. thank you


Thank you Space Boy. And hello Midoriya and Bakugo. It's nice to see you here.

thnx guys UwU I couldnt have done it wifought you *crys cuetly* uwuu

The girl above me is cringe. anyway, @space boyπŸš€ is correct.

Why is everyone's name from the my hero academia series???

@ ****Nezuko-chan****,

I'm not πŸ˜ƒ! I'm from the Naruto Seires!

sorry but that did not help at all

Science: 1.) The wolves increased the population by eating a competitor

2.) The deer population increased
3.) willow
4.) The producer population increases, while the secondary consumer population decreases


2 is The willow tree population decreased.

@ziggy clement that is not an answer on the assignment, therefore it is The deer population increased. It's not cool to mislead people, man!

Ty for the answerssssss, now ill go do the quick check for izuku :0

My god this thread is cursed, but space boy is correct!

Join my discord (Its my username)!

Hey folks! A new teacher here. I'd be delighted to give you guys the answers (ONLY USE THESE TO CHECK YOUR WORK!!) :)

Number 1: B

Number 2: A

Number 3: D

Number 4: D

Hope this will help yall out. stay safe and have a GREAT day. Ps, if you need any help with school and you are too scared to ask a teacher contact me at (530) 317-2315


tysm ladies ^o^

You're welcome! Is there anything else we can assist you with?