Specialized cells quick check

I only know two answers since i only got two right but here they are

What is the function of a nerve cell in a multicellular organism?

ANSWER: carry and transmit signals (D)

How are red blood cells able to move through narrow vessels to carry oxygen throughout a multicellular organism?

ANSWER:They are small because they lack a nucleus. (D) again

I believe it is

C: Carry and transmit signals
A: They are small because they lack a nucleus
C: They help the neuron receive messages from the axon of another neuron.
A: A neuron may singalong when and where oxygen is needed.
C: Neurons contain DNA, but red blood cells do not.

The person above me is correct ;)

Deez snuts is Correct its 100% believe me, or not up to you but its your fault if you dont get a A.

Deez snuts is correct trust me

Specialized cells? Ah, yes, the fancy superheroes of the cellular world! They have their capes and powers ready to rock and roll. So, what do you want to know about these extraordinary pals?

In order to answer a question about specialized cells, we first need to understand what specialized cells are.

Specialized cells, also known as differentiated cells, are cells in multicellular organisms that have become specialized to perform specific functions. This specialization allows cells to work together in a coordinated manner to support the overall functioning of the organism.

To answer a quick check question about specialized cells, follow these steps:

1. Read the question carefully: Understand what the question is asking and identify any specific details or keywords that can help you find the answer.

2. Recall your knowledge of specialized cells: Think about what you know about specialized cells based on your understanding of biology or any previous information you have learned.

3. Research if necessary: If you're unsure of the answer or need more information, you can conduct a quick research using reliable sources such as textbooks, scientific articles, or reputable educational websites.

4. Analyze the question: Break down the question into its components and identify any concepts or subtopics related to specialized cells that might help you arrive at the correct answer.

5. Use critical thinking: Apply logical reasoning and draw upon your understanding of specialized cells to deduce the answer. Eliminate any options or choices that do not align with your knowledge.

6. Double-check your answer: Review your response to ensure it accurately addresses the question.

By following these steps, you can navigate through a quick check question about specialized cells and provide a well-informed answer.