A velocity of magnitude 40m/s is directed at an angle of 40 east of north draw a vector paper to represent this velocity ?


now what?

A velocity of magnitude 40m/s is directed at an angle of 40 east of north draw a vector on paper to represent this velocity

A Velocty Of Magnitude 40m/s


A velocity of magnitude 40m/s is directed at an angle of 40 degree east of north draw a vector to represent this velocity



Answer in mind pro


To draw a vector to represent this velocity, we will need to know the scale or length of the vector. Let's assume that each centimeter on the paper represents 10 m/s. Here's how you can draw it:

1. Start by drawing a reference line to indicate the north direction. Let's draw this line vertically and label it as "N".

2. From the top endpoint of the north line, draw a line at an angle of 40° east of north. This line represents the direction of the velocity.

3. Measure the magnitude of the velocity, which is 40 m/s. We assumed that each centimeter on the paper represents 10 m/s, so we will need to draw a line that is 4 centimeters long to represent the magnitude of the velocity.

4. Finally, label the endpoint of the line with an arrowhead to indicate the direction of the velocity. You can also label the magnitude of the velocity next to the line.

Make sure to use a protractor for accurate measurements of the angle. And remember to adjust the length of the line based on the chosen scale.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.