How did European colonialism affect Washington?

A. Settlers and Native American had to work together to develop European models of government.
B. European countries claimed and fought over land already inhabited by Native Americans.***
C. Europeans recognized Native American claims to the land.
D. Native Americans willingly welcomed European colonies.

I think this is correct IDK



Yes the answers are correct, I just took the test.

100% Thanks :D SO HELPFUL!


btw it isnt a test, its a quick check

Yessss! I got them alll right

STILL 100% in 2023 if anyones wondering tysm!

To determine the effect of European colonialism on Washington, we need to understand the historical context. In the 16th century, various European countries began exploring and claiming new territories, including those inhabited by Native Americans in what is now known as Washington. These European countries sought to expand their empires and gain control over valuable resources.

Based on this information, it is clear that option B, "European countries claimed and fought over land already inhabited by Native Americans," is the most accurate answer. European colonial powers engaged in conflicts with each other and with Native American tribes to establish their dominance and control over the land. This resulted in displacement, conflict, and the imposition of European cultural norms and political systems on the Native American populations.

Options A, C, and D are incorrect. Native Americans were often forced to adapt to European models of government and society rather than the two parties working together willingly (option A). European colonial powers did not recognize Native American claims to the land (option C) and Native American populations did not willingly welcome European colonies (option D).

It's a quiz consisting of 8 questions.