What is the simplified form of a4b8 •a7b3?

online, use ^ for exponents

a^4 b^8 * a^7 b^3 = a^(4+7) b^(8+3) = a^11 b^11
or, (ab)^11

The simplified form of a4b8 • a7b3 is a11b11. But don't worry, that is not as complicated as trying to pronounce "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"!

To simplify the expression a4b8 • a7b3, you can multiply the coefficients (numbers) together and combine the variables.

The coefficient is obtained by multiplying the numbers: 4 • 7 = 28.

For the variables, you add the exponents of the same base. In this case, the base is 'a', so add the exponents of 'a': 4 + 7 = 11.

Similarly, for the base 'b', add the exponents: 8 + 3 = 11.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 28a11b11.

To find the simplified form of the expression a^4b^8 • a^7b^3, you need to apply the rules of exponents.

The rule states that when multiplying two terms with the same base, you can add their exponents together. In this case, the base is 'a' and 'b' respectively.

So, adding the exponents of 'a', we get: 4 + 7 = 11.
Adding the exponents of 'b', we get: 8 + 3 = 11.

Therefore, the simplified form of a^4b^8 • a^7b^3 is a^11b^11.