Create an image depicting the change in the Arctic Ocean over the past 40 years. The image should visually portray the concept of the ocean becoming warmer, with visual cues such as melting icebergs and retreating ice caps. It should also ensure a contrast between an icy, frozen Arctic Ocean of the past, demonstrated at one side of the picture, and a warmer, less ice-covered ocean of the recent years on the other side. Make sure that the image is visually compelling, but it contains no text.

What has happened to the Arctic Ocean during the past 40 years?(1 point)

It has become warmer. ( my anwser)

It has grown smaller.

It has become less salty.

It has gained more sea ice.


1. It has become warmer
2. 10 percent
3. Ice covered by snow
4. There are more areas of open ocean
5. Sea ice has melted allowing more sunlight to hit the ocean
It's correct but I guys don't have to trust me.

Let me see if your right wish me luck!

Woop woop 💯 percent right trust help have a good day!

Trump is an orange Dingus and Biden is a studdering dementia patient

Help is correct I got 100% for connexus Polar Ice and Climate Change Quick Check.😎

(read my name)


1. It has become warmer
2. 10 percent
3. Ice covered by snow
4. There are more areas of open ocean
5. Sea ice has melted allowing more sunlight to hit the ocean

help is right
and shut up abt politics bc ur all just little 13 yo who don’t even do research 💀

Guys I will give answers BUT OTS FOR CONNEXUS

lol can this website not me political ? just a question and thank you help i got 100%

can some one answer the other questions

question 2 answer: 10 percent