For many years, humans have used a variety of techniques that have influenced the genetic makeup of organisms. These techniques have led to the production of new varieties of organisms that possess characteristics that are useful to humans. Identify one technique presently being used to alter the genetic makeup of an organism, and explain how humans can benefit from this change.

Your answer must include at least:

(1) the name of the technique used to alter the genetic makeup
(2) a brief description if what is involved in this technique
(3) one specific example of how this technique has been used
(4) a statement of how humans have benefited from the production of this new variety of organism


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Laboratory techniques used to alter or manipulate the genetic make-up of cells or an organism by deliberately removing, changing or inserting individual genes.


That should help you.

Generic Engineering has been used in crops. They mess around with the plants genes and stuff so it grows better I think

Generic Engineering -Laboratory techniques used to alter or manipulate the genetic make-up of cells or an organism by deliberately removing, changing or inserting individual genes.

Provide a statement of how humans have benefitted from the production of this new variety of organism.


One technique presently being used to alter the genetic makeup of an organism is called CRISPR-Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats - CRISPR associated protein 9).

Here's an explanation of how this technique works:

1. The technique involves using a Cas9 enzyme combined with a guide RNA molecule that targets a specific DNA sequence.
2. The guide RNA recognizes and binds to the target DNA sequence, while the Cas9 enzyme acts as molecular scissors, cutting the DNA at that specific location.
3. Once the DNA is cut, the natural repair mechanisms of the cell come into play, either introducing random mutations or allowing researchers to insert desired DNA sequences.
4. Through this process, specific genes can be added, removed, or modified, altering the genetic makeup of the organism.

One specific example of how the CRISPR-Cas9 technique has been used is in agriculture. Scientists have used it to modify the genetic makeup of crops, such as rice, to enhance their nutritional value. Specifically, they have successfully increased the iron and zinc content in rice grains, addressing micronutrient deficiencies prevalent in many developing countries.

Humans have benefited from this alteration by having access to more nutritious food. Iron and zinc are essential minerals for human health, and deficiencies in these nutrients can lead to various health problems. By enhancing the iron and zinc content in rice, the modified crop provides a more bioavailable source of these micronutrients. This can help combat malnutrition and improve the health of populations that heavily rely on rice as a staple food.