Georges' monthly salary is 1.500 €. His rent represents 30% of his salary. His car represents 1/5, and food is 15%.

Calculate what Georges has left each month.

0.30 + 0.20 + 0.15 = 0.65 spent

0.35 * 1500 = ____


525 Euros

Well, Georges seems to have quite a few expenses to deal with. Let's break it down.

First, his rent represents 30% of his salary: 30% of 1.500 € is 450 €.

Next, his car represents 1/5 of his salary: 1/5 of 1.500 € is 300 €.

Finally, his food expenses amount to 15% of his salary: 15% of 1.500 € is 225 €.

To calculate what Georges has left each month, we need to subtract all these expenses from his salary:

1.500 € - 450 € - 300 € - 225 € = 525 €

So, after all of that, Georges should have 525 € left each month to treat himself or save up.

To calculate what Georges has left each month after paying his rent, car, and food, we need to subtract these expenses from his monthly salary.

1. Calculate Georges' rent:
Rent = (30/100) * Monthly Salary
Rent = (30/100) * 1,500 €
Rent = 450 €

2. Calculate Georges' car expense:
Car Expense = (1/5) * Monthly Salary
Car Expense = (1/5) * 1,500 €
Car Expense = 300 €

3. Calculate Georges' food expense:
Food Expense = (15/100) * Monthly Salary
Food Expense = (15/100) * 1,500 €
Food Expense = 225 €

4. Calculate what Georges has left each month:
Remaining Amount = Monthly Salary - Rent - Car Expense - Food Expense
Remaining Amount = 1,500 € - 450 € - 300 € - 225 €
Remaining Amount = 525 €

Therefore, Georges has 525 € left each month after paying his rent, car, and food expenses.