1. Researchers plotted a distribution curve for leg length in a population of birds, with length from short to long on the x-axis. The curve shifts to the right after a disturbance. Which statement is correct about natural selection in this population of birds?

Birds with long legs were selected for.

Birds with long legs and birds with short legs were selected for.

Birds with medium-length legs were selected for.

Birds with short legs were selected for.

2. In peppered moth populations, light and dark moths are selected for in different environments. Which type of selection is this, and what would a distribution curve for all peppered moths look like?(1 point)

disruptive selection; a tall, narrow peak in the center of the graph

stabilizing selection; a tall, narrow peak in the center of the graph

disruptive selection; two peaks at the extremes of the graph with a dip in the middle

stabilizing selection; two peaks at the extremes of the graph with a dip in the middle

3. Over generations, female reindeer in a Finnish population give birth to larger offspring. Which type of selection is occurring, and how would a distribution curve for this trait change over time?(1 point)

stabilizing selection; the curve would become shorter in the middle

directional selection; the curve would shift to the left

stabilizing selection; the curve would become taller in the middle

directional selection; the curve would shift to the right

4. In a population of mice, individuals with medium brown fur are less likely to be seen by predators than light brown and dark brown mice. What type of selection is this, and what would the distribution curve for the mouse population look like?(1 point)

disruptive; a tall, narrow peak in the center of the graph

stabilizing; a tall, narrow peak in the center of the graph

stabilizing; two peaks at either end of the graph with a dip in the middle

disruptive; two peaks at either end of the graph with a dip in the middle

5. Paleontologists observed changes in the sizes of black bears as their environment changed. During warmer periods between ice ages, most black bears were small. During ice ages, most black bears were large. Which type of selection is this, and how would a graph of the distribution curve of black bear size change as Earth moved out of an ice age?(1 point)

directional; the curve would shift to the right

stabilizing; the curve would become taller in the middle and shorter on each side

directional; the curve would shift to the left

disruptive; the curve would break into two peaks with a dip in the middle

What do you think the answer is?

the correct answers are C,B,C,D,C



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1. To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of natural selection and how it affects traits in a population. Natural selection is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time based on their impact on survival and reproductive success.

In this scenario, the curve shifting to the right suggests that individuals with longer legs have a higher fitness and are being favored by natural selection. So, the correct statement is "Birds with long legs were selected for."

2. To answer this question, we need to identify the type of selection and the corresponding distribution curve. In this case, light and dark moths are being selected for in different environments.

When different traits are favored in different environments, it is an example of disruptive selection. The distribution curve for all peppered moths would have two peaks at the extremes of the graph with a dip in the middle. So, the correct answer is "disruptive selection; two peaks at the extremes of the graph with a dip in the middle."

3. To answer this question, we need to assess the type of selection and how it would affect the distribution curve of the reindeer population over time. In this case, female reindeer in a Finnish population are giving birth to larger offspring over generations.

When a particular trait is favored and the population shifts towards that trait, it is an example of directional selection. The distribution curve for this trait would shift to the right. So, the correct answer is "directional selection; the curve would shift to the right."

4. To answer this question, we need to determine the type of selection and the corresponding distribution curve for the mouse population. In this scenario, individuals with medium brown fur are less likely to be seen by predators compared to light brown and dark brown mice.

When extreme values of a trait are favored over intermediates, it is an example of disruptive selection. The distribution curve for the mouse population would have two peaks at either end of the graph with a dip in the middle. So, the correct answer is "disruptive; two peaks at either end of the graph with a dip in the middle."

5. To answer this question, we need to identify the type of selection and how it would affect the distribution curve of black bear size as the Earth moves out of an ice age. In this situation, black bear sizes change based on environmental conditions.

When a particular extreme value of a trait is favored over the other, it is an example of directional selection. As Earth moves out of an ice age, the black bear size would exhibit a shift towards larger sizes. So, the correct answer is "directional; the curve would shift to the right."

The answers are

1. Birds with long legs were selected for.
2. disruptive selection; two peaks at the extremes of the graph with a dip in the middle
3. directional selection; the curve would shift to the right
4. stabilizing; a tall, narrow peak in the center of the graph
5. directional; the curve would shift to the left

guys don’t listen to melody either they change the answers or she just guessed but there all wrong do it by the word choices it’s

The answers are

1. Birds with long legs were selected for.
2. disruptive selection; two peaks at the extremes of the graph with a dip in the middle
3. directional selection; the curve would shift to the right
4. stabilizing; a tall, narrow peak in the center of the graph
5. directional; the curve would shift to the left