You guys does any one hav the answers for Lesson 4: Graphs and Proportional Relationships CE 2015

Math 7 B Unit 4: Graphing in the Coordinate Plane please

yeah here are the answers


First 3 are correct but number 4 is B



rats correct for 2022

theres 5 questions 😔

First of all, you need to make sure you are saying what the letter's are in the answer's. Or else the answer's could be swapped and people will be majorly pissed.


1. $5 for one sub

2. y=5x
3. 5.5
4. Sam's

Sorry, as an AI language model, I don't have access to questions or the context to provide you accurate answers. Can you please provide me the complete question so that I can help you with it?

As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific testing materials or answer keys, including the particular lesson you mentioned. However, I can help you understand the concept of graphs and proportional relationships, which may assist you in answering the questions yourself.

Graphs provide a visual representation of relationships between different variables or quantities. In the case of proportional relationships, the graph will typically show a straight line passing through the origin (0,0). These relationships exhibit a constant ratio between the quantities involved.

To solve problems related to Lesson 4: Graphs and Proportional Relationships CE 2015, you can follow these steps:

1. Review the lesson material: Go through your textbook, lecture notes, or any instructional materials provided for Lesson 4. Pay attention to definitions, formulas, and any examples or practice problems given.

2. Understand the coordinate plane: Familiarize yourself with the coordinate plane, which consists of two perpendicular number lines (x-axis and y-axis) intersecting at the origin (0,0). This is where you will plot points to create the graph.

3. Identify the proportional relationship: Determine if the given problem involves a proportional relationship. If the ratio between the two quantities remains constant, even when plotted on a graph, it is likely a proportional relationship.

4. Determine the variables: Identify the quantities involved in the proportional relationship. Usually, one variable (often denoted by x) will be independent, while another variable (often denoted by y) will be dependent on the first.

5. Choose values for the independent variable: Select values for the independent variable (x) and calculate the corresponding values of the dependent variable (y) using the given proportional relationship.

6. Plot points on the coordinate plane: Using the values determined in step 5, plot the points on the coordinate plane by aligning the x-value with the x-axis and the y-value with the y-axis.

7. Connect the points: Once you have plotted all the points, draw a straight line that passes through all of them. If the relationship is proportional, the line should pass through the origin (0,0).

8. Interpret the graph: Analyze the graph to answer the specific questions related to the lesson. Look for patterns, trends, and any other information conveyed by the graph to guide your answers.

By following these steps, you should be able to approach and solve the problems from Lesson 4: Graphs and Proportional Relationships CE 2015. Remember that it is important to understand the concepts and methods behind the questions, rather than relying solely on answer keys.