Illustrate an image representing the idea of copyright in an appealing manner. The image should depict four distinct elements to align with the four options mentioned about copyright. For the first element, show a person hesitantly reaching out towards an artwork on a gallery wall. For the second element, depict another person joyfully duplicating a piece of music. The third element should showcase a shining shield, symbolizing protection, held by an intellectual, representing the creator of original work. Lastly, for the fourth element, depict scrolls with writings representing a list of sources. The image should contain no text, only symbolic representation.

Which of the following defines copyright?(1 point)

the use of others’ work without permission

the right to copy work created by someone else

a legal protection given to creators of original work

a list of sources used by the author

I numbered them for you guys

1. a legal protection given to creators of original work
2. giving credit to the source a written work
3. a formal, structured way of giving credit to a source
4. the name of the author or website
5. to allow people to exchange ideas freely and easily

My old name was Yandere.

1 a legal protection

giving credit to the source a written work

a formal structured way of giving credit to a source

the name of the author or website

to allow people to exchange ideas freely and easily

1. a legal protection given to creators of original work

2. giving credit to the source a written work
3. a formal, structured way of giving credit to a source
4. the name of the author or website
5. to allow people to exchange ideas freely and easily

I think its C


Which is
Which means sorry?

please unit 7 quiz answer

Hey y’all, what are the answers??

Honestly I was stumped on this one, but it's A. Protection given to creators of original works. Hope this helped!

Yandere is right

1. a legal protection given to creators of original work

2. giving credit to the source a written work
3. a formal, structured way of giving credit to a source
4. the name of the author or website
5. to allow people to exchange ideas freely and easily
Have an amazing day!